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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

What is ABeka Book?
ABeka Book is the “premier” Christian textbook publisher, serving Christian schools for over 30 years with over 1,000 educational products.

Who uses ABeka Book?
Over 750,000 students in Christian schools use ABeka Book.

What will ABeka Book do for my child?
ABeka Book’s systematic phonics program teaches students to read at an early age. Students also receive strong character-building reading selections. Grammar and creative writing give the students consistent daily practice and review. Spelling, vocabulary, and poetry help students improve their ability to read, write, think, and speak. Penmanship is taught step by step consistently throughout the program.

ABeka Book’s arithmetic program uses a traditional, spiral review approach to help students develop thinking skills for daily living. The science and health program teaches the students about creation and the Creator – refuting man-made ideas of evolution. The history and geography program is developed from a Christian perspective with patriotic character-building content. Fine Arts electives in art, music, and speech are also available.

What are the advantages of the ABeka Book program?
Your child will receive a truly Christian education – one based on the truth of God’s Word. You can be assured that he will not be exposed to humanistic secular philosophies. Your child will receive a first-class academic education. Students in schools using this curriculum attain superior academic achievement.


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