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Campus Events



Each week our students are challenged to consider what the Bible says about Christian character and integrity. With clear Biblical teaching and clear application, the students of LBA learn what God desires and expects of each of us as we live out God’s purpose for our lives.


Each year our students host a Science Fair for 9th and 10th grade, submitting entries demonstrating ingenuity and experimentation. For the 7th and 8th grade students, there is the History Fair (called Liberty Museum), showcasing projects that introduce us to the lives of historical figures from all over the world.

Athletic Program

Liberty Baptist Academy offers after-school, extracurricular athletics in Boys’ Basketball and Baseball, and Girls’ Volleyball for 8th-12th Grade.

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Drama Club

The LBA Drama Team stages two plays annually, in the fall and spring. Students learn acting, prop-making, and set design while having fun. 

School Spirit

Laughter and fun can often be the greatest gateways to a mind open to learning. While our purpose is not about playing, our classes often partner our learning with the tools of enjoyment and fellowship. Whether it’s March Madness, Crazy Christmas Week, Student Appreciation Week, or the Kindergarten Thanksgiving, our students experience learning that goes hand in hand with creativity, imagination, and comradery.

Field Trips

The school year is full of trips to places that will inspire the discovery of facts about history, science, and even literature. Whether it is a trip to the State Park or the Annual 4th Grade Carson City trip, students get to feel with their hands, see with their eyes, and walk in the presence of things from our past and present that they are learning about.

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Las Vegas, NV 89108

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